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Process Capability Analysis for Quality & Lean Six Sigma-Concepts, Cases, and Applications With Computer Instructions

Written By Sahay, Amar
2016, Edition 1
Category: Six Sigma
Level: Intermediate

QMS Global LLC
United States of America
URL: http://www.realleansixsigmaquality.com

About This Book

This text provides different methods and techniques of evaluating the process capability of a process including the computer analysis, instructions, and interpretation of results obtained from computer software. A numbers of examples and cases are presented to illustrate the methods of evaluating the capability of a process. Since the process capability is about the study of variation and variation reduction; the initial chapters are devoted to the study of process variation and how the variation affects the product and service quality. In this text we have presented a number of methods and cases where the normality assumption holds. Several cases are presented along with step-wise computer instructions. We have also presented cases and methods when the process data do not follow a normal distribution. The chapter discusses in detail the special techniques required to achieve this goal.

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